Advanced Video Security LLC
245 Moran st waterbury CT 06704 US

Copyright © Advanced Video Security LLC. All Rights Reserved 

Advanced Video Security LLC




We have installed systems in Schools, Offices, Factories, Warehouses & Retail Stores, as well as apartment buildings and homes. We provide hidden camera systems, basic systems, wireless multi- building systems and high end 2K & 4K systems. We will work with your budget to find a solution that meets your needs as well as future needs. 

We also specialize in providing web-based video surveillance and remote viewing accessible via computers cell phones and other handheld devices.


Already Have a System?

Upgrading to a High Definition system is now very affordable. In many cases the existing wiring can be used to simplify installation saving us time and you save money.               for an analysis and quote for the upgrade.


                          for analysis & repair quote!